resmildiv x FLATLUX - Days Sling Bag "ref and glow"
resmildiv x FLATLUX - Days Sling Bag "ref and glow"
形状や大きさ、生地、バックル、ギミック、こだわりのオリジナルシェイプ。ミレニアムみ溢れるワンショルダーバッグをアップデートさせたバッグが10月に出ます。それに先駆けて、resmildivとコラボしたプレミアムバージョン "ref and glow" を数量限定で販売。
- プレミアムなところ -
Made in Japanどころかresmildiv主宰のユウスケくんが裁断から縫製まで自ら行います。生地はコーデュラエコメイドキャンバスを選択、ポケット部分は蓄光なのにリフレクターというスペシャル生地。コーデュラエコメイドキャンバスはコーデュラ糸と再生PETのリサイクル糸を使用していて、環境に優しく軽量で堅牢度にも優れ、テフロン加工を施すことで高性能の撥水、防汚機能があります。だいぶ数量限定。
- 共通でイケてるところ -
FLATLUX original shaped One-Shoulder packed with shape, size, fabric, buckle, and gimmick. A bag that is an updated version of the Y2K vibes large one-shoulder bag will be released in October. Prior to that, we will be selling a limited quantity of the premium version "ref and glow" in collaboration with resmildiv. The one made of Cordura EcoMade Canvas, Pocket part is glow in the dark also reflective. Cordura Ecomade Canvas uses recycled cordura yarn and recycled PET yarn, and is environmentally friendly, lightweight, and durable, and is treated with Teflon to provide high-performance water and dirt repellency. Very limited quantity. The main compartment is the perfect size for daily use, with a sleeve that fits a 14-inch Macbook.
A drink holder and a pocket for storing small items. FIDLOCK magnetic buckle.